SAP Community Race

GaloppSim (SAP Community Edition)

Download “GaloppSim SAP Community 2021 Edition”

GaloppSim152-00SCN.xlsm – 93-mal heruntergeladen – 1.28 MB

The Microsoft Excel Workbook with Macros can be opened and played directly after downloading.

Race recording

Download “SAP Community Race 2021 (race data file for replay with GaloppSim)”

HORSE-SAP-Community-Race_ID-SAP21_11-10-2021_17h48min.gsrace – 111-mal heruntergeladen – 39.63 KB

The text file with the recording of the race from 11 October 2021 can be imported into GaloppSim and then replayed with the button “Load race from disk”.